Minutes of Arneway Away Day 7th of October 2023

Attendees:  Salina Sandhu (Chair) Izzy Olszewska (Secretary), Duncan Aitkins (HSM) Judith Mascarenhas (Maintenance Officer), Pat Mahoney, Isaac Mensah, Yemane Tesfaldet, Violet Taylor, Cherry Ann Brown, Khalid Obeirne, Shakira Mantell  
1.0: Introduction and welcome by the Chair 
2.0: Apologies for Absence Issac Mensa (Treasurer) 
3.0: Minutes of the AGM 2023    The members did not have any comments about the previous minutes so signed off by Chair
4.0: Two-person occupancy update   The case is with the solicitor and the tenants in question are being issued a notice to quit. The tenants received a letter two years ago before COVID which gave them two years leeway, to help them find accommodation without the threat of eviction. Some of the members in question received feedback from other members that they would be allowed to stay in the co-op as two-person occupants which was never the case. Salina in the January meeting told the members to make sure they were paying two-person residency for council tax, some of the members took this to mean they were being allowed to stay. Duncan raised that if you defraud the council in any way, it is a criminal offence, he sent communication to all members about this. The Co-op has always been for single people, all the two-person occupants knew this when they joined. In the past, the board was unable to threaten to evict the 2-person residents.  Salina raised that if someone’s situation changes and you become a couple, you then find new accommodation which these members did not do. Some members were reluctant to decide as this involves people’s lives. There is some confusion as there are 5 x two-bedroom flats. Residents are entitled to have one child in the two person properties. The two-bedroom houses were previously shared between two residents but there were issues with fighting etc. Salina said the couples raised some valid points such as that Brent would give the couples a one-bedroom house so why were they not allowed to stay with Arneway? But the legal side has taken over and decided for Arneway. All the 2-person occupants are entitled to protest their notice to quit. Our solicitor will send a notice to quit to the tenants in question, we must wait four weeks to find out if any of the 2-person residents want to go to court. One couple has a child and the only way they can get new accommodation is if they have a notice to quit. There is a company the office is in contact with, who can help the couples, but the only available accommodation is outside of London.   Network Housing has been taken over by Sovereign which has over 90,000 homes. Westminster Housing Cooperation has been taken over by Dominion. One members asked if they could join the board as observers and join the Arneway’s property waiting list. The Arneway waiting list has around 35 people waiting for properties. Shakira said that the two person residents have fired back with accusations such as people jumping the allocation queue, and properties being given to family members. Shakira raised that everyone seems to know personal matters and that perhaps the maintenance people are involved in this.     Arneway owns its properties so they cannot be taken away unless we do not meet the governance requirements.  If Brent Council finds out about the two-person residents they can say we are acting against our own rules, and the co-op can be disbanded. For the Suffolk Road development, a separate nomination process is needed due to Brent giving the grant, however, they will still have to come through our allocations board. 
5.0: Pest Control Policy update    The Pest Control Policy update will be in the handbook we will not have a separate document for this.         
6.0: Communication between office and Board    Duncan thinks it is important to keep correspondence between the board and management confidential. If any information is leaked, then Duncan will not give information to board members. Duncan marks some emails as confidential for privacy and GDPR reasons such as if an email is about a board member.  Duncan raised that subletting could ruin the co-op. If a member knows that someone is subletting, and they don’t inform the office this puts Arneway in a very difficult position.  For example, if a member is ill and someone is living with them to care for them, Brent can help with this.
7.0: Appraisals for Board   Salina went through all the timings with the board and ensured everyone understood. Salina asked if everyone received an email from Alan which they confirmed. Salina handed out hard copies of the appraisal forms for members who did not want to do it online.
8.0: Security at Properties    Shakira said many people in her residence have the front door key but do not live in the property which is a security issue. She also raised that there is an issue with homeless people at her property with them loitering. Judith suggested they put a camera at the property, and Duncan raised that a notice needs to be issued. When the CCTV is installed the data controller needs to be Judith and not a Arneway member. An external company also needs to install the camera.    
9.0: Complaints current and Future    There have recently been many complaints made. The complaints policy needs to be updated as it hasn’t been updated for some time. We have never had to give out compensation before or had any direct complaints about the office.  Salina raised that a lot of policies need to be updated.  Action the email about complaints will be forwarded again. There are currently 54 policies in place. When someone joins the co-op, they get 13 policies but recently 2 more have been added. The ombudsmen are encouraging tenants to make complaints due to issues such as Grenfell and Rochdale.  In the past, they were very reticent to take people’s complaints on board, but this has since changed. Salina said adverts are asking if people are unhappy with their housing association like PPI adverts. We should encourage people to speak to Arneway before making a formal complaint. If a complaint is made the ombudsman will ask for a paper trail of how the complaint was handled. Salina said there is a member who said they have multiple complaints. Salina sent them the complaints policy but did not hear anything back. The two residents who are making complaints have not followed the complaints policy and went directly to their solicitors. The ombudsmen said they would carry on investigating the case until the residents have stopped pursuing their cases. Duncan has said that two-person occupancy and complaints have taken a lot of time and as a result, the 2 person occupants rents are frozen. Rent statements are delayed due to Chics software being down and person in charge back from holidays week commencing 23rd October 23. Duncan has said that two-person occupancy and complaints have taken a lot of time and as a result rent statements are delayed.
10.0: Compensation (Draft policy to circulate) 
11.0: Risk Management    There are no risk management plans if Salina, Duncan, Judith for example cannot carry out her duties. No back up plan. There needs to be someone to take over if something happens to a member. There is currently no backup on the board. Salina told Duncan that accountants could take over the rent. Shakira suggested that someone can shadow members to learn. Yemane suggested that we can reach out to other housing associations and see what they suggest.   Duncan said we are part of a housing association consortium and can ask for their advice.
12.0: Ed Presentation on Pods, Decarbonisation White Paper update    The pod initiative began 3-4 months ago on the back of the Suffolk Road project. It was based on a conversation on how to provide quick accommodation for homeless people. Net zero is the idea that whatever we do we do not increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The idea is that by 2050 the world should achieve net zero this also covers buildings. At least 30% of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere next year will be from buildings. Beattie Pasivhaus Company have produced small prefabricated dwellings and has won several awards. Pasivhaus has found that if a building is built with little air leakage then the building can be warmed just by our body heat. There is MMC that we are looking at it is a panelised modern method of construction, where various components are manufactured and brought to the site and constructed.  The shell and some of the services and appliances are included. There are no bathtubs just a shower. Furniture, connections to services the groundwork and the foundation and landscaping are not included. Arneway will be responsible for these.  There are optional extras such as Pasivhaus low energy certification. The lifespan of a building is around 50 years. The price for the unit we are interested in is £99,000. Judith raised that the lifespan is 50 years, but this is just for planning purposes they will last much longer. The pod is constructed out of a timber frame the bigger the gap between the frames the more insulation you can put in. There will also be cables and services in the gap.   The counter effect of having a gap between the frames is that there is less space for the property next to it. The ceiling will be made in the same manner with a flat roof. There will also be solar panels on top of the roof. Salina raised the issue of climate change and how the properties will be affected. The government has added regulations for cooling and there will be a need for shading. We may need to speak to some properties to ask for access to the construction site, or there are some nearby basketball and tennis courts. The rules of the National Described Space Standards are that each dwelling needs to be 50sqm with 1.5 sqm of storage. The proposed properties are however only 39 sqm. There is a risk that Brent Council may come back and say the properties are too small. Ed needs permission from the board to go to the council and say to them that most homeless people cannot look after a big property. The planned properties at 44 Manor Park will also have a communal garden. Supplemental Planning Document is important it covers points such as how far neighbouring windows must be next to each other. We will try and comply with as many rules as possible the only one we do not meet is the 50sqm rule. Judith said this scheme has been available in Europe for many years and that the UK has been slow in its adoption.   Last year Ed presented the SDF programme to decarbonate certain products and to help deal with heat loss. Before we can put in heat pumps, we need to ensure that each property is not losing heat and to cut out waste. Duncan is very keen to go electric, but Ed said we need to get properties to be energy efficient. We can then investigate going electric. There is no point in going electric if the energy is being wasted. Ed said that this has become more of an issue due to global warming.  The maximum grant for a Band D dwelling is £10,000. The government has announced it will create a new wave but has not yet announced the guidelines. The project should mean that energy demand should not be more than 90kwh/m2/year, currently, the energy demand is about 2.3-3 times this amount  The government chose 90kwh/m2 as the amount that makes sense to install a heat pump, otherwise, the heat pump may not make sense. Heat pumps work better in properties with low energy usage. The minimum size of the bid was 100 dwellings between band D and F, this is why we were part of a consortium that involved Cos-Way Irish Housing Association, Brockley Tenant’s Cooperative etc.   Unfortunately, Brockley Tenant’s Cooperative pulled out of the bid. Another housing association CCH won a bid for £1.2 million but a housing association pulled out which caused a shortfall in properties. They came to Arneway, and we submitted 25 of our properties. They have since decided to withdraw and apply for wave 2. Ed thinks it is a good idea for us to bide our time and apply for wave 2 this means we will not rush our application.  In the pilot study, the government would give 2/3 of the money we would need to put forward the remaining 1/3. We need to wait until mid-October to find out more details about wave 2.2. Guidelines will be published about how we can bid. Arneway has only 25 properties in band D  Ed recommends we join forces with CCH and make a bid together.  
13.0: Dates of meetings 2024 
14.0: AOB    Shakira said that she did not see lots of people at the General meeting.  Duncan said that there is an involvement policy which requires members to attend at least two meetings. Duncan raised that English isn’t the first language for all members, one member could not speak or write English. Duncan suggested we have smaller meetings with fewer members where they can give their feedback about the co-op. Judith has offered to teach English to members, and how to use the Internet but no members have taken her up on this offer. Salina said that she thinks the policy of involvement must be circulated to all members. Salina raised that we need a vice chair if anything happens to key members of the board. Salina said that she did not realise how much work the role of chair would be. Judith also raised that this has been a very difficult year for Arneway with the two-person occupancy issue, complaints and Arneway being taken to court.
End of meeting 3.30pm

Minutes of Arneway Finance Meeting 

Attendees:  Salina Sandhu (Chair) Izzy Olszewska (Secretary), Duncan Aitkins (HSM) Judith Mascarenhas (Maintenance Officer), Pat Mahoney, Isaac Mensah, Yemane Tesfaldet, Cherry Ann Brown, Phil Taverner (Observer) 
1.0: Introduction and welcome by the Chair 1.0: Introduction 
  2.0: Apologies for Absence Violet Taylor, Shakira (Observer)2.0 Apologies
3.0: Minutes of previous finance meeting circulated  3.0 AGM minutes
4.0 Financial Report Estate costs are currently £121,000 these include costs of repairs, voids, landlord inspections.Gas inspection is now £90 plus ULEZ this was previously £60.£51,000 is for voids and empty properties and the repair costs. Duncan said that the void tenants had left the properties in very bad condition. Salina raised that the void costs were high such as for Manor Park. Judith said that we were not given access to Manor Park by the tenant which meant the leak had worsened. The flat was left clean but there was severe condensation. An additional cost of voids is council tax even when the property is empty, this was previously discounted but all housing associations have to pay the full amount. Salina asked if there is any way to cut the costs of voids, Duncan said this is not possible as we have to complete the repairs to a certain standard. Phil asked about the policy on boilers, Duncan confirmed that we can keep existing boilers and fix them but if new boilers are needed they cannot be gas. Duncan raised that Thames Water recommends not taking a shower longer than four minutes. He also raised that having long showers may create a dampness issue.Duncan raised that estate costs will increase as prices increase.Salina queried the total for rent for 2023 as £365,510 when Duncan quoted £385,000 as different figure to what Duncan said. It was discovered some figures on the budget report not the same, so Duncan to send out the budget figures updated.Legal fees are higher than expected at over £23,000 due to an increase in complaints. Solicitors charge £290 per hour, Duncan confirmed this is a competitive rate and it would cost more if an individual went directly to the lawyers. The solicitors we use are for housing associations. Phil asked if tenants making complaints are behind on rent, Duncan clarified that one of the tenants is in on housing credit and the other tenant is not behind on rent. Our surplus for the year will be around £106,000. We still have the surplus from last year of £250,000, it is in a Santandar account. Arneway is getting around £12,000 in interest each month. Having this money will help us if we need money for other projects such as Suffolk Road and need to apply for a mortgage. Duncan said the main costs will be voids and legal costs . Predicting costs is difficult as for example, you do not know how many boilers will fail.   Salina raised that Fairlight is still empty and will not be occupied until February. Judith said that this is due to the boiler being replaced and us needing to look at different options. One tenant has an electronic boiler at Nicholl Road but we cannot compare the costs as the tenant is barely at home. With all the voids it has been decided we will go ahead with the electric boiler; the other alternative is heat pumps. Salina said that Kevin the engineer said that electronic boilers are going to be very expensive that hydrogen may be a better option and that we should consider this. The hydrogen source is placed outside of the property and the same radiators can be kept. Duncan said this is not on the market and is not recommended by Homes England. Judith said the possible options are immersion hot water cylinder pumps, mercury pumps, combi boilers and air heat pumps. Hydrogen is currently not recommended. Combi mercury is the option we are looking at currently. If we do this at 11C the cost will be roughly around £4800 Salina queried why there were some losses for some months. Duncan said that some months there are more expenses such as legal fees and voids. Judith raised that we haven’t yet budgeted for the electronic boxes or lighting, these will be factored into next year’s budget. Judith said that sometimes the totals vary for each month due to universal credit coming in every 7 weeks which can explain the difference between certain months. Salina asked if Isaac is being notified of financial affairs, Isaac said this stopped because of COVID and this needs to be started again. Salina asked if Isaac could start signing off invoices, Isaac asked that invoices be emailed to him to be signed off. Duncan to redistribute updated financial, budget report.We can use 11C as a test case to find out the cost of running an electronic boiler, by then we should be part of the consortium and there will be different options available 4.0 Financial report    
5.0 Decarbonisation We are part of the decarbonisation programme but one of the housing associations pulled out and a smaller housing association couldn’t be found. Therefore, Arneway will apply for the wave 2 funding but we still need to get another smaller housing association to join. For the grant we will not get the money all at once it will come in stages, as it is a three-year commitment. Salina raised the option of hydrogen boilers, but Duncan said that this option has not been officially recommended and there needs to be more research5.0 Decarbonisation
6.0 Double occupancy Four tenants have responded to Duncan’s letter. One tenant will stay and their partner is leaving. The family with children are in contact with Brent council who have promised to rehome the family, they asked for an extension. One tenant is asking for an exemption due to medical causes they have a long-term illness, and they will need special treatment for 2 years. It will be difficult for them to move due to the medical treatments being set up at her home. Two people are needed to look into the case of the person who has medical issues.  We haven’t heard anything back from the remaining 2 double person tenants they have until 4th December to respond. Duncan suggested that two tenants be nominated to investigate this and report back to the board. Duncan suggested allowing the partner to live with them for two years and then reviewing the case. Duncan cannot reveal the nature of the illness due to GDPR reasons. There was a case where a tenant constructed sheds and Duncan issued an NTQ. Duncan has also asked all the other people who stay to be issued new tenancy agreements and they are put on the new rent. This will give the co-op an additional £50,000.Duncan suggests increasing rent by 4.6% which is October’s interest rate. We usually base it on September but the interest rate for this month was 7.6%. Board agreed 4.6% In bedsit, properties are far below market rate, so we should think of increasing the rent. This covers Holland Road and Fairlight Avenue Duncan said the current rent is less than £90 per week. Salina said that all the double-person occupants will need to be issued new agreements and go on the new rent. Salina said that for the double tenants who said their partners are leaving is this really the case. We will be giving them a six-month probation period. Duncan suggested that the board members check on this, Salina said that she did not feel comfortable doing this. Duncan said we can get Brent to check on this6.0: Double occupancy      
7.0 185 High Road NW10 Salina suggested that due to the unsafe structure at 185 High Road which is not habitable to try and put the building up for sale. Judith to contact estate agents to get quote.7.0:  
8.0: Xmas Vouchers Agreed that Xmas Vouchers to be given to board members depending on how many meetings attended for 2023. Izzy to keep a list each year. Office bonus this year agreed and Judith requested her bonus be night at Hilton on Xmas party night, Izzy asked for Amazon vouchers and all agreed. Treasurer agreed with Duncan after meeting that office bonus be increased by 10% for both staff. 8.0    
9.0 Zoom vs Teams. Hoping most meetings in 2024 to be face to face as much better but to use Zoom instead of Teams as free.9.0:  
10.0 AOB Salina mentioned Board members attendance at meetings and if 3 meetings missed then Board to decide if member remains.10.0



This policy applies to all Executive personnel and Management Committee and Board members.

1. Why We Have a Policy

The Board of Management have the ultimate responsibility for all actions carried out by staff and committees throughout Arneway Housing Co-op’s activities. They are legally obligated to act in the best interests of all its members and in accordance with the Constitution of the Co-op.

Conflicts of interest may arise when an individual’s personal or family interests and/or loyalties conflict with those of Arneway Housing, potentially inhibiting free discussion, resulting in decisions or actions not in Co-op’s best interests, and risking the impression of impropriety. The purpose of this policy is to protect both Board Members and its from any appearance of impropriety.

2. Declaration of Interests

We require [Board members] to declare their interests, gifts, or hospitality received in connection with their role in Arneway Housing Board of Management. A declaration of Interests form is provided for this purpose, and it needs to be updated at least annually and when any changes occur.

The register of interests will be maintained by the Secretary and will be accessible by [Board members] and the Secretary.

3. Recording Decisions

Decisions taken when a [Management] [Committee member and/or [Board member] has an interest will be made by vote, with a simple majority required. A quorum must be present, with interested parties not counted when determining quorum. Interested members may not vote on matters affecting their own interests. All decisions under conflict of interest will be recorded and reported in meeting minutes.

The report will include:

  • The nature and extent of the conflict
  • An outline of the discussion
  • Actions taken to manage the conflict

Independent external moderation will be employed when conflicts cannot be resolved through standard procedures.

4. Data Protection

Information provided will be processed in accordance with data protection principles. Data will be processed only to ensure that Management] [Committee and Board] members act in the best interests of Arneway Housing Co-op and will not be used for any other purpose.

5. What to Do if You Face a Conflict of Interest

All conflicts of interest, whether actual or potential, should be declared promptly:

  • Committee members and Board members with financial interests should declare and withdraw from the room, unless they have dispensation to speak.
  • Management Committee members and Board members with other interests creating a real danger of bias should declare and withdraw, unless they have dispensation to speak.
  • Management Committee members and Board members with interests reasonably causing others to think it could influence their decision should declare but may remain in the room, participate, and vote.

In case of doubt, Management Committee members and Board members should consult with the Chairperson.

Failure to declare known interests may lead to the Chairperson declaring them. Management] Committee members and [Board members interests are recommended to be listed in a register.

6. Sample Register of Interests

Name of Board MemberDescription of InterestDoes the Interest Relate to the Board Member or a Closely Connected Person?Is the Interest Current?
Mr James SmythOwner of consultancy firmSpouse of board memberCurrent
Ms Jane RowanBoard member of a development groupBoard memberFormer committee member, retired in February 2004
Mr Roland BrownOwner of events management companySpouse of board memberCurrent

7. Template Declaration of Interests


Please give details of the interest and whether it applies to yourself or, where appropriate, a member of your immediate family, connected persons, or some other close personal connection.

Current Employment and Any Previous Employment in Which You Have a Financial Interest

Appointments (Voluntary or Otherwise)

Membership of Any Professional Bodies, Special Interest Groups, or Mutual Support Organizations

Investments in Unlisted Companies, Partnerships, and Other Forms of Business

Gifts or Hospitality Offered to You by External Bodies

Do You know any other Member of the Co-op in a personal relationship which may affect your decisions while a Member of the Management Committee and Board Member or while attend any other Committee such as Allocations Committee or any other Committee of Arneway Housing Co-op.

Any Contractual Relationship with the Charity [or Its Subsidiary]

Any Other Conflicts of Interest Not Covered by the Above To the best of my knowledge, the above information is correct and complete. I undertake to advise the Secretary of Arneway Housing if any of the above information should change or if I become interested in any way that creates a potential conflict of interest with my position as a Committee member and Board member, or employee of Arneway Housing Co-op. I agree to review and update this declaration annually. I give my consent for this information to be used for the purposes described in the charity’s conflicts of interest policy and for no other purpose.

General Meeting 2023 9th of November Harlesden Methodist Church

Minutes of Arneway General Meeting 2023 9th of November Harlesden Methodist Church

 Attendees:  Salina Sandhu (Chair) Izzy Olszewska (Secretary), Duncan Aitkins (HSM) Judith Mascarenhas (Maintenance Officer), Isaac Mensah(Treasurer), Cherry Ann Brown, Phil Taverner, Violet Taylor, Elsa Gebremariam, Evelyn Mulkerins, Jennifer Stewart, Arnold Downes, Pat Mahoney John Guerlin, Amira Ismail, Tom Driscoll  ACT 
 11.0: Introduction and welcome by the Chair   1.0: Introduction 
22.0: Apologies for Absence Joel Adewale, Ernesto Mormile, Berhane Fitur, Alain Gouro, Henok Michael, Alex Coeln ,Pat Mahoney, Azeb Gersus,, Rohan Scott, Don Carreras, Carolla Stewart, Yasin Ismail, Andrea Brown, Chris Doody, Winsome Deleta, Khalid O’Beirne , Mercedes Fernandez, Gerry Morrin, Marie Rose  2.0 Apologies
3  3.0: Minutes of previous AGM meeting circulated  3.0 AGM minutes
44.0: Fire safety Inspections, Doors, lighting   Fire safety doors have been installed throughout Arneway properties The installation of emergency lighting in communal areas has started and will continue into the early part of next year. 4.0 Fire safety Inspections, Doors, lighting 

55.0: Gas and Electricity meter installation   The installation of cupboards for the electricity meters has been started and is ongoing The project is not straightforward as many of the electricity metres are laid out unevenly. This is in line with what the government has set out and is all park of the fire risk assessment.5.0: Gas and Electricity meter installation   
66.0: Decarbonisation    The government wants to phase out gas boilers and the installation of new gas boilers will eventually become extinct. Arneway will no longer install gas boilers in cases of voids but will aim to repair any existing gas boilers that are still under guarantee. Alternatives to gas boilers are currently being investigated6.0: Decarbonisation     
77.0: Pest Control      Judith said that the co-op is not responsible for any pest control issues She recommended that if residents have any pest control issues they contact Brent Council who offer pest control services A member of Arneway complained that she had mice in her property and that they were at the property when she moved in Judith said it is difficult to determine if the pests are at the property when a tenant moves in or if they brought the pests with them Judith recommended that wire netting/mesh be installed at any points where mice can enter the property7.0: Pest Control       
88.0: Suffolk Road NW10  The Suffolk Road project has gone from three-bedroom properties to two 1-bedroomed properties The cost of the project will come from GLA grants and a mortgage The access issue is still ongoing The person who has the lease has been renting it, there are 12 years on the lease left so it makes sense to buy the land outright We will need to pay compensation to the current owner of the land8.0: Suffolk Road NW10   
99.0: Board Appraisals and Training    The board underwent appraisals this year the aim was to help see areas where members could improve and grow their skill set The appraisal helped identify which areas the board can improve their knowledge in The hope is that this will help the board to improve and attend courses to grow their skill set9.0 : Board Appraisals and training     
1010.0: Christmas party    The Christmas party will take place at the London Hilton in Shepherds’ Bush on the 15th of December Judith will email the address to all members as there has been confusion in the past and some people have gone to the Hilton in Kensington Olympia. The cost of bringing a partner has increased to £30 this is due to increasing costs from the Hilton10.0 Christmas party         
1111.0 A.O.B Judith said that she has heard talk that all jobs have gone to Syncardia (Yemi) She has said this is not the case and that all projects go through a tender process and that the winning contractor is chosen by Ed (DCUK) and not by the office. 11.0: A.O. B  

General Meeting Room

Arneway Housing Co-op  Minutes of General Meeting- 3rd of November – Teams Apologies Peter Akanbi, Shakira Mantell, Violet Taylor, Andrea Brown, Carolla Stewart, Alain Guoro, Khalid O’Briene, Misrake Ketemea, Elsa Gegremarian, Jackie Wilson, CherryAnn Brown, Sharon Zax, Jennifer Stewart, , Date of Meeting: 3rd of November- Teams   Venue: Online -Teams meeting In attendance: Duncan Aitkins (HSM), Judith Mascarenhas (MTC Co-ord), Salina Sandhu (Chair), Izzy Olszewska (Secretary), Joel Adewale (ViceChair), Pat Mahoney, Yemane Testfaldet, Isaac Mensah, Don Carreras, Marlene Soutar, Alexandra Coeln, Rohan Scott, Christopher Doody, Tom Driscoll, Mercedes Fernandez, Muzit Tetteh, Daniel Modeste, Ismail Yasin, Ernesto Mormile, Noel Prendergast, Ben Hunt (guest)  Action Points              
Introduction: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.   Apologies:     Minutes of the Previous General Meeting were circulated previously and agreed without amendment   4.0 Inspection of properties Inspection of properties has been going well with no major issues being found. Judith reminded tenants that properties need to be painted every five years as part of the tenancy agreement. There was a tenant who was evicted due to cluttering, beams had weakened due to clutter. There has been an issue with some people subletting, Judith showed neighbours a picture of the tenant to neighbours who did know who they were The same tenant was also fraudulently claiming housing benefit Part of the new application will include a DSB check- Action   Reporting of UC issues  Judith announced that the Brent Hub is operating at the design works both on Monday and Wednesday from 10.30am – 5.30pm. Queuing starts at 8.30am where you are given a number. The HUB is extremely helpful for those wishing to claim UC.   6.0 Decarbonisation   Arneway will not fit any more gas boilers. They will be eased out. Grants are being given out to help make properties more efficient Arneway is in the process of applying One option for gas boilers is for hydrogen to go through pipes instead The second option is a heat pump that sits outside the property. Heat pumps use less electricity and work by producing high-temperature vapour. In the summer, cool air is pumped through the properties. The air pump option is cheaper than traditional boilers EPCs were carried out for all properties last year. Properties with the lowest rating are the ones that will go forward for grant Arneway has applied for the grant as part of a consortium of 100 properties to be able to apply. Arneway is the project leader. Properties have been selected for the grant based on their EPC rating. Judith will send out a questionnaire to Arneway members which will help us with the grant- Action Disruption will be minimal as the work is likely to be carried out outside Judith will submit the application on the 9th of November. We will most likely find out the results in January Daniel asked where the pump will be located. Judith confirmed they will be located outside of the property Judith will also try to get properties solar panels this is part of the application. Any excess electricity can be sold back to the grid.    7.0 Gas and Electricity meter installation    Judith is encouraging tenants to move to a smart metre A smart metre includes a reader this can help tenants pinpoint where most electricity is being used. Daniel asked if Arneway will cover repair costs of damage caused by heat pump installation. Judith confirmed they will.    8.0 Garden maintenance     The issue of gardens not being maintained is still ongoing. Judith recommended that tenants get a green bin for garden waste, which is collected monthly for a small fee.   9.0 Christmas party    Judith has reminded people to send their menu preferences by 3rd of December     10.0 Translation of the ASB Respect line  The Respect Line allows residents to report anti-social behaviour when the Arneway office is closed. The service costs £1 per property per year- £65 in total for Arneway. In the case of ASB, tenants can leave a note in the app and forward it to the team. The team can also contact the police on the tenant’s behalf. ASB also does welfare calls, especially over the festive period. ASB app service covers small co-ops to large housing associations. Possibility of using the ASB app for reporting repairs and submitting photos. ASB offers a monthly training session. Each month has a different topic November’s topic is mental health which lasts two hours. Ben has invited Arneway members The app can be translated into different languages for tenants who do not speak English. The app is being translated into Polish and Welsh Translation will take one hour by a translator and will be paid for by the company.     11.0 A.O. B    None arising      The meeting closed at 20.30pm   Signed ………………………………………………………………     Date…………………………………………………………………..         ————————————————————————————————    1.Introduction 2 Apologies   3 Previous minutes     4 Property inspections                         5.0 Reporting UC issues         6.0 Decarbonisation                                                   7.0 Electricity & gas metres               8.0 Garden maintenance           9.0 Christmas party       10 Translation of ASB app                                   11 A.O.B                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

GLA Mayor’s Academies Programs

I work for Capital City College Group on the Mayor’s Academies and the purpose of the academies is to support people getting into work through relevant training and support.  We work with many employers which enable us to arrange interviews for really jobs at the end of the course.

I understand that you support residents with gaining employment skills and a job.  I would be grateful for the opportunity to explore how Arneway and CCCG can work together to support your residents into employment. I would be happy to meet in person or equally arrange a Teams call, whichever works for you.

Here are some salient points for further information:

  • Capital City College Group are running Mayor’s Academies for Hospitality, Creative, Digital and Green
  • We cover more areas such as Health and Social Care, Security Industry Authority (SIA) and Employability training
  • Apprenticeships are available, and we are happy to discuss these further with you
  • As one of the capitals and the country’s largest college groups we have many campuses in London with the Hospitality being focused at Victoria
  • There is no cost to attendees or employers
  • The courses run for between 3-5 weeks
  • As part of the Mayor’s Academies the aim is that the positions would be at the minimum London living wage rate of £11.95 per hr and not a zero-hour contract
  • The aim from the GLA/Mayor is to help support London as we emerge from Covid
  • We can work with employers in delivering training that best suits
  • When learners finish their training, they will have a good grounding which will help in taking the next steps for their future
  • Potential career paths can be shown to aid learners to see a future path in an organisation
  • Learners will be offered an interview at the end of their learning for a really job and these often take place at one of our sites

More information on the Mayor’s Academies can be found here: https://www.capitalccg.ac.uk/skills-academies

Please see this link to Free Short courses: https://www.westking.ac.uk/courses/free-short-courses/

I look forward to hearing from you and working on moving things forward.

Kind regards