Financial Difficulty
Financial Difficulty
If you are finding you cannot cope financially, you must communicate with the Co-operative. You have an obligation to pay your rent on time, regularly.
Upon request we will send you a statement of what you have paid. If you are in good standing this can be requested electronically. If you are in arrears, statements will be raised and posted to the property.
We will retain proof of posting and it will be used as part of the submission for any litigation, ie Court proceedings.
Arneway Housing Association will regularly over the course of a year, send you statements. You should check these against your own record of payments and raise any questions with your housing officer.
If you have difficulties paying your rent
It is a condition of your tenancy that your rent is paid regularly and in advance. Your home is at risk if you do not pay your rent. However, we appreciate that you may have difficulties paying your rent from time to time, and we will do everything we can to help you.